Silver plated toast rack, English circa 1930
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Luxurious high quality Art Deco silver plated toast rack on ball feet, partitioned for six bread slices with a carry handle; vintage English circa 1930.
Condition: fine
Size: Wide: 8 cm Length: 18 cm Height: 17 cm
Condition: fine
Size: Wide: 8 cm Length: 18 cm Height: 17 cm
Style note — items in the Art Deco style were often produced using new materials of the period, such as stainless steel, aluminium and Bakelite – an early type of plastic. Bold colours were used to produce attractive design by creating strong contrasts.
Facts of Lavish Good to know — silver and silver plated tea and coffee pots get very hot when full, that's why most of them have wooden or plastic handles or small bone rings for heat insulation.