Make everyday tea time a more festive occasion!
June 8 2018

June 8 2018
Why not make every day tea time a bit more of a festive occasion! The couple above are looking quite sad and dejected as they have been served tea in yet again plain and boring cups and saucers. Having been married for more than 30 years they are sadly running out of new topics of conversation and were hoping to discuss the delightful china their tea would be served on….oh, well, there is always philosophy or a 5 minute argument! (Monty Python jokes!!!)
We have a big variety of tea time china at Lavish Shoestring to choose from, for example the items above which I put together in a theme on Polyvore date from the 1920s to the late 1940s and have an English country cottage theme. The teapot, which has been sold, is from the 1920s with a typical thatched cottage and traditional cottage garden flowers with charming garden pixies adorning the pot as well as sitting atop the lid. The large cake plate, it could be used for breads as well, is decorated with a lady dressed in Victorian crinoline and bonnet in a traditional cottage flower garden. This image and there are many variations of it, was very popular from the 1920s to the 1950s and was used on china and pottery.
Many women also embroidered this type of pattern on table clothes and napkins for tea time. The cottage is a lidded dish for crumpets but can also be used today for a butter dish and it dates from the 1930s. The chrome footed cake plate is more deco and dates from the 1930s-40s. it has an outdoor country scene with trees, a bridge and crocus in bloom. This type of themed style would be nice for everyday as it is very cheerful, even on the rainiest of days! It would also be fun to use for afternoon tea with friends or a deco themed tea party.

The grouping above, Polyvore as well, is a late Victorian, Edwardian theme and would easily grace the tea time setting of Downton Abbey! The mahogany folding three tier cakes server became very popular in the late Victorian era and was still being used into the 1950s in England, although the 1950s styles are of a lighter coloured wood. The engraved silver plated tea set dates from the late Victorian era. Silver plated tea sets are very popular and we have many styles on Lavish Shoestring.
The cake plate is decorated in an oriental style and was made in England. It’s decoration is from the Aesthetic Movement. Which is a short period of decoration just before Art Nouveau came into fashion. In many ways their styles overlapped before the sinewy figures of women became a popular form of Art Nouveau. The cup and saucer is Edwardian and called Spode Italian pattern. A very popular pattern that they made and was still being made until a few years ago. The biscuit or cookie barrel is late Victorian with a silver plated handle and lid. A little note, it is especially good to use in humid weather as it keeps the biscuits/cookies crisp so they do not go soft or stale. The long handled tea leaf strainer is silver plated and Edwardian as well. This theme would be great with friends and for tea parties. It could also be used for more formal occasions.
All of our tea time items at Lavish Shoestring will help to make the everyday a little bit more cheerful and jolly and for occasions add interest and character to any theme.
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