Blog News – Thomasina has taken over!
January 1 2016

January 1 2016
Thomasina has taken over and now is in the driving seat of the Lavish Shoestring blog!
As co-founder of Lavish Shoestring I have many job hats that I wear throughout the day and one is being the main contributor on our FB page and Pinterest page. We now have the ability to blog with our new website and some of our staff have posted, but, it has been voted on that I officially take over!
As a blog reader myself, when I have time, of food, art, fashion, design, etc., I see that there are many ways of presenting a blog. So, I would like your help dear reader with comments on my blogs and what subjects you would like to see covered on future blogs, all questions answered!

I have always been a great daydreamer and see the multiple threads of connections to objects. People who know me well say that I am a bit of a story teller and ask,” Is this going to be a short one or a long one?” So, I see the blog as being some of my musings on items we may have in stock with potted histories but much, much, more. It’s really a mind set or a way of life and living which is very current with today that I will be discussing. Living a life, having a rich home life, a Lavish home life, can be achieved on a Shoestring budget and that is what I will be sharing with you. I am a firm believer of recycling, up-cycling and re-purposing items for ones home or garden.I was doing it before it became fashionable the last few years and it has always been my way of life, no matter how much money I may have had.. Much of what has been manufactured and produced in the past is made with such better care to quality even though it was mass-produced it was made to last, which is something that cannot be said of many items today with timed obsolescence built into the product and shoddy workmanship. All of which does not retain any value once you leave the shop you bought it from, or if it does it is a fraction of your purchase price!

It’s always the little things, they add up in the end and attention to details as well as not being afraid to be an individual that make a house a home. Always remember that your home is an extension of your character, it represents you, your interests. So, in conclusion, my goal of the blog will be to help you make a beautiful place wherever you are in the world.
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